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Citizen Username: Ajc
Post Number: 3500 Registered: 9-2001

| Posted on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 3:58 am: |    |
Pippi, you said, "...if this keeps up, I can't see how Jesse will be able to remain open." Well, running a business with all its demands is one thing, cooking like Jesse is something very different. The man is an artist, a perfectionist, and a man of principle. Meanwhile, the circumstances of receiving regular community and financial support, being the right size, in the right place, could easily turn into a recipe for disappointment. If any of you really want to support his business, we'll need a plan! Since this conversation first began over a month ago, Art G. and I have had several conversations with Jesse. We ate at his place, he came to ours. As mentioned earlier in another thread we tried to put together an arrangement that centered on his cooking and our entertainment. Jesse said he would be interested in catering a regular dinner and entertainment event at H2TA if we could show there was sufficient interest from the folks from MOL. Therefore, as someone else stated, this is time for all you Molers to put your money where your appetite is, literally this would be a word of mouth effort. Jesse’s choice for the first event is Sunday, March 6th around 7PM. The cost of his full buffet would be $75.00 a couple, $37.50 per person, and guests can BYO. He would cook everything fresh from soup to nuts, and there's no way you won't get all you want to eat. The event also includes live entertainment, Jesse’s home made dessert, and coffee. Our specialty drinks would be extra. We have seating for 50 guests and Jessie said he would need a sell out to do this kind of off premise event. Therefore, as soon as we can get say about 50 people to respond to us at H2TA, ( or 973-762-ARTS) we’ll take name and phone numbers and begin selling the tickets. I will keep a daily count of commitments from everyone on-line.
Supporter Username: Jeffl
Post Number: 988 Registered: 8-2001
| Posted on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 8:57 am: |    |
Art, sounds great. Put me down for 6 spots. Do you get your PLs? I can give you more info that way. |
C Bataille
Citizen Username: Nakaille
Post Number: 1853 Registered: 5-2001
| Posted on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 10:25 am: |    |
Can you include a hint of the type of entree that will be prepared, please? Some of us can't go completely on faith when making dining decisions, whether due to allergies or strong preferences/dislikes. Cathy |
Supporter Username: Pippi
Post Number: 689 Registered: 8-2003

| Posted on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 11:23 am: |    |
Art - Notehead & I will gladly attend! Count us in...we hope to be able to add a few to our group. But, for now, I wanted to express our interest in this very worthwhile cause.
Citizen Username: Marian
Post Number: 567 Registered: 9-2001
| Posted on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 12:32 pm: |    |
Art, Is Jessie putting anything on his Web site or sending e-mails out to promote this? I know he has a list of his "regulars" he e-mails. Also, just wanted to confirm that my husband and I are down for the March 6 date. |
Supporter Username: Jeffl
Post Number: 989 Registered: 8-2001
| Posted on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 4:52 pm: |    |
Art, on second thought I'll be calling you about doing something with my own group of 50. |
Citizen Username: Ajc
Post Number: 3502 Registered: 9-2001

| Posted on Wednesday, February 16, 2005 - 7:34 pm: |    |
"Some of us can't go completely on faith when making dining decisions, whether due to allergies or strong preferences/dislikes." Cathy, I'm with you. We will check with Jessie, but I believe he will try to accommodate everyone's individual taste... Everyone should let us know what their interest is, almost like ordering take-out. The idea here is to do a sampling of his wonderful cooking, so people will feel comfortable visiting his own restaurant in South Orange. Who knows, maybe someday he'll be able to open another one here as well. Thank you Pippi, Marian, and Jeffl, we're a quarter of the way there and this is beginning to look promising. Please keep those calls and letters coming...
Citizen Username: Soorlady
Post Number: 1784 Registered: 9-2003
| Posted on Thursday, February 17, 2005 - 11:23 pm: |    |
Art - I got take out from Jessie tonight - his portions are HUGE! The BBQ Salmon & Garlic Steak were fantastic! The corn bread was wonderful! Cabbage was good as was the carrotts.. but I hate to say this.. I think he used instant potatos. A reall no-no in my book. I'll go back since it was still a very good meal, just won't get the potatos. We're scheduled to be away March 6 - but wish you & Jessie luck with your event. Shh - it's a safe bet that you'll find something delicious to eat. |
Citizen Username: Ajc
Post Number: 3506 Registered: 9-2001

| Posted on Friday, February 18, 2005 - 2:25 am: |    |
"I think he used instant potatos." How can you tell, and what made you "think" he used instant potatos? I'm not sure I would be able to tell the difference myself. BTW, we received another e-mail today with two more seats. We're at about 1/3 of what we need to pull this off... |
Citizen Username: Soorlady
Post Number: 1785 Registered: 9-2003
| Posted on Friday, February 18, 2005 - 8:35 am: |    |
"How can you tell" I'm Irish - we know potatos  |
Citizen Username: Ajc
Post Number: 3507 Registered: 9-2001

| Posted on Friday, February 18, 2005 - 10:04 am: |    |
Great answer! Hey, next time try his Baked Potatos... BTW, I'm sorry you'll be away on March 6th, maybe next time. Have a good trip. |
Citizen Username: Alleygater
Post Number: 80 Registered: 10-2004
| Posted on Friday, February 18, 2005 - 10:56 am: |    |
I'm with Cathy too. There is a lot on the H&S menu I can't eat (I'm vegetarian and unfortunately I just don't like Salmon). And while my wife and I LOVE Heart and Soul, I'd rather not plunk down $75 and the main course be chicken, ribs and salmon and I'm eating a bunch of side dishes. So please try to post a general idea of what he'll be serving |
Supporter Username: Pippi
Post Number: 690 Registered: 8-2003

| Posted on Friday, February 18, 2005 - 2:08 pm: |    |
I think the mac and cheese and corn bread alone are worth $75 a couple! |
Robert Livingston
Citizen Username: Rob_livingston
Post Number: 885 Registered: 7-2004
| Posted on Friday, February 18, 2005 - 2:27 pm: |    |
What kind of "live entertainment?" |
Citizen Username: Alleygater
Post Number: 86 Registered: 10-2004
| Posted on Friday, February 18, 2005 - 8:51 pm: |    |
Pippi, having had both, I would agree (in theory at least), but in practice I can just go to Heart and Soul any other night and save $60 a couple. |
Citizen Username: Ajc
Post Number: 3508 Registered: 9-2001

| Posted on Saturday, February 19, 2005 - 2:19 am: |    |
Alley, you're probably right, if I was a vegetarian I most likely wouldn’t go either. I’m not sure what Jesse has on his restaurant menu for $7.50 per person, but I'm sure whatever it is it must be tasty. I will provide a detailed menu for the party as soon as we hear from a few more couples. We are really trying to provide something to eat for everyone. Of course there will be plenty of Jessie’s Gumbo Soup, BBQ Chicken and Ribs, some kind of fish dish, candy yams, some other sides, his fresh baked hot Corn Bread, and a home made dessert. He's open to your suggestions. Robert, the live entertainment as originally requested is Scott Bucks Blues Band, plus a surprise guest performer who isn't confirmed yet. We'll let you know as soon as we are confirmed...
Citizen Username: Alleygater
Post Number: 93 Registered: 10-2004
| Posted on Saturday, February 19, 2005 - 9:58 am: |    |
My point wasn't that you could get food for two for $15, but rather that I'd rather not pay $35/person for a bunch of side dihes. |
Citizen Username: Ajc
Post Number: 3510 Registered: 9-2001

| Posted on Saturday, February 19, 2005 - 12:39 pm: |    |
I’m a little confused... You said, "I can just go to Heart and Soul any other night and save $60 a couple." which implies you would only be paying $15 a couple, but now you say that is not your point? I think we all can agree that nobody wants to pay $35/person for a bunch of side dishes, but who said anything about just serving side dishes? I think it's important that we all understand what we're trying to do here. I posted, "Everyone should let us know what their interest is, almost like ordering take-out. The idea here is to do a sampling of his wonderful cooking, so people will feel comfortable visiting his own restaurant in South Orange." I stated again in another post, "I believe Jessie will try to accommodate everyone's individual taste..." Alley, I'm sure there are many others that feel the way you do, and rightly so. Jesse's food is not for everyone, however, Jesse aims to please. So, given that Jesse has been rated by a large number of posters as a fabulous chef, and that we all have a common goal of supporting local restaurants, ie: Carmelita’s Week, and if Jesse is willing, what would you like to eat that you would be willing to pay $35/person?
Citizen Username: Soorlady
Post Number: 1793 Registered: 9-2003
| Posted on Saturday, February 19, 2005 - 4:10 pm: |    |
Art, I think that point may be that one can order take out for two people at that price. I got two entrees, corn bread, and 5 sides for $38. But then.. one goes home and does not have the opportunity to share the evening with good company and a live blues band. So.. folks... you're not just buying the food - which is fabulous - you're getting a lot more.. Right, Art? |
Citizen Username: Cpc
Post Number: 1 Registered: 2-2005
| Posted on Saturday, February 19, 2005 - 4:50 pm: |    |
It's simple to support Jesse. Go to Heart & Soul on Academy Street in South Orange. I don't get why Here's2theArts should be involved at all. |
Citizen Username: Ajc
Post Number: 3516 Registered: 9-2001

| Posted on Saturday, February 19, 2005 - 4:58 pm: |    |
"So.. folks... you're not just buying the food - which is fabulous - you're getting a lot more.. Right, Art?" Thanks Soorlady, I sure hope so... It hopefully will be some good exposure for H2TA, but Art and I really don't plan on making much money on the deal. Think about it. After set up and clean up, paying Jesse, the band, the service help, providing coffee, and deducting for other expenses, we would be lucky to make between 10% or 15% of the gross... $150-$200 is not what you would call a killing! Compare that to what any other venue in town makes in an evening. BTW, if we don't get a better response soon, we may have to cancel the date.  |
Citizen Username: Ajc
Post Number: 3517 Registered: 9-2001

| Posted on Saturday, February 19, 2005 - 5:17 pm: |    |
Dear Cpc, welcome to Maplewoodonline and thank you for your input. In trying to answer to your question, maybe you should first check out the size of Heart and Soul in South Orange. Sure, you can just go to H&S whenever you like, that's the idea. However, this event is meant to "Showcase" Jesse and his fabulous food, a local Blues Band, have another fun MOL get together, and to try to give his business a good payday. |
Citizen Username: Soorlady
Post Number: 1796 Registered: 9-2003
| Posted on Monday, February 21, 2005 - 10:11 am: |    |
Art - it seems like people are waiting for a menu before they commit. Re: the potatos - Chef Jesse sent me a PL promising that he never uses instant anything and that the potatos were indeed fresh. He also offered a refund. How many restaurants do that? (of course I didn't take it - the meal was fabulous) Chef Jesse is a talented, honest man who stands behind is product. We need to support this wonderful restaurant. So - Art, post that menu! |
Supporter Username: Greenetree
Post Number: 3915 Registered: 5-2001

| Posted on Monday, February 21, 2005 - 7:22 pm: |    |
OK - So, for those who may not be in a position to spend $75 or who won't be around, why not have both? Declare a MOL H&S week (ala Carmelita's) & Art can keep doing his thing. Art- just a thought, and I know that as a business man you expect to make a prfit, but what if, just for one night, you committed to breaking even & pledged to give any profit to a local charity (maybe Columbia Midnight Madness?). So, people can feel better about spending the money (are sodas included?), Jesse, the entertainment and H2TA all get great, positive exposure. I say this only because I know that we attend some pretty pricey charity events, where we would clearly pay less for the exact same service/food in a different venue. It's pretty much the cause we are supporting.
Citizen Username: Ajc
Post Number: 3520 Registered: 9-2001

| Posted on Monday, February 21, 2005 - 7:46 pm: |    |
"it seems like people are waiting for a menu before they commit." That may be true, but it wasn’t for the sixteen who committed to come. All that doesn’t matter now. Jesse e-mailed me that he was canceling the event. He was concerned that some people felt the price was too high, that people didn't understand why it was at H2TA, and that the variety of the menu was a concern for too many people. Given Jesse's apprehension and the lack of a quick and positive response for the event, I have to agree with him. We’ll go back to the drawing board and see if there’s something else we can do in the future. Maybe a “Blues Cocktail Party” as a fund raiser with Jesse’s BBQ Ribs, Chicken, and Corn Bread as the Hors d’oeuvre. I'm suggesting with this post that Jamie and Dave agrees to a MOL "Heart and Soul Week." Personally, my wife and I will continue to eat at H&S and bring our friends.
Citizen Username: Ajc
Post Number: 3521 Registered: 9-2001

| Posted on Monday, February 21, 2005 - 7:48 pm: |    |
Woops, missed your post Greentree... I guess great minds think alike!  |
Dego Diva
Citizen Username: Fmingione
Post Number: 260 Registered: 12-2003
| Posted on Monday, February 21, 2005 - 8:16 pm: |    |
I know Jesse's place is small, but might there be room to have some kind of small entertainment in his cafe, and have pre-set seating times, with a pre-fix menu? How about instead of having a buffet, Jesse does a "take-out night" at H2TA? You choose from 3 or 4 box dinners and Jesse makes several big deliveries at set times throughout the evening? Just brianstorming here on how the two businesses can collaborate some way while the community show their support. |
Moderator Username: Dave
Post Number: 5340 Registered: 4-1998

| Posted on Monday, February 21, 2005 - 8:21 pm: |    |
Carmelita's is a long-time MOL supporter. I think we're due for a Caribbean Cuisine week soon. |
Citizen Username: Shh
Post Number: 2205 Registered: 5-2001
| Posted on Monday, February 21, 2005 - 8:39 pm: |    |
Yup! LOVE Caribbean Cuisine. |
Dego Diva
Citizen Username: Fmingione
Post Number: 261 Registered: 12-2003
| Posted on Tuesday, February 22, 2005 - 12:38 pm: |    |
AMEN! LOVE Caribbean Cuisine. Let's do a week for them! |
Citizen Username: Alleygater
Post Number: 101 Registered: 10-2004
| Posted on Tuesday, February 22, 2005 - 8:21 pm: |    |
How everyone here feels about H&S (I like H&S too don't get me wrong), I feel about Caribbean Cusine. I couldn't say enough good things about the owners and the food. |
Citizen Username: Nalini
Post Number: 50 Registered: 11-2004
| Posted on Wednesday, February 23, 2005 - 7:58 pm: |    |
Caribbean Cuisine is delicious. I grew up on caribbean food and I have to say it's as close as you would get for authenticity without having to go to Trinidad. |
Citizen Username: Alha
Post Number: 1 Registered: 2-2005
| Posted on Thursday, February 24, 2005 - 5:45 am: |    |
Add me to the list Caribbean Cuisine fans. My first experience with them was at last year's Taste of South Orange event. I was so impressed with their generous sample and delicious food, that I went back for a second plate, even if it meant standing on a rather long line again. When I went to CC for the first time to place an order for takeout, the owner was very helpful and even gave me some samples to try. My favorite dishes so far are the vegetable roti, red beans rice, stewed chicken and fried wontons. |
Citizen Username: Ajc
Post Number: 3530 Registered: 9-2001

| Posted on Thursday, February 24, 2005 - 11:21 am: |    |
"Maybe a “Blues Cocktail Party” as a fund raiser with Jesse’s BBQ Ribs, Chicken, and Corn Bread as the Hors d’oeuvre." I'm making a point to get to Caribbean Cuisine ASAP, the food sounds delicious! However, if no one minds, I think we should get back on topic... Given that us Molers are such generous and caring people, I have received several suggestions about going forward ASAP with the “Blues Cocktail Party” fund raiser. The first was for the Columbia Midnight Madness, the second for the JAC, and now several for the Ross & Ross Legal Fund... (the Ross & Ross one is already in the works at Bunny’s) Does anyone have any "positive" comments as to one of these or another deserving cause?
Supporter Username: Spw784
Post Number: 648 Registered: 5-2001
| Posted on Thursday, February 24, 2005 - 6:55 pm: |    |
What is the Ross & Ross Legal Fund for? Are they being sued? How is David Coble doing? Can I nominate that fund as well? |
Citizen Username: Ajc
Post Number: 3541 Registered: 9-2001

| Posted on Thursday, February 24, 2005 - 7:08 pm: |    |
The legal fund for Ross & Ross has another thread. Please check the Soapbox. The David Coble fund can also be put on our list. H2TA always welcomes anyone who is interested in doing a fund raiser, or any type of small event up to 50 or 60 people at our cafe... |
Supporter Username: Spw784
Post Number: 650 Registered: 5-2001
| Posted on Thursday, February 24, 2005 - 8:50 pm: |    |
Thanks Art. I hadn't gotten to the Soapbox yet. Now I understand. Just wondering if there are any other children in town dealing with catastrophic illnesses whose families could use some financial assistance. |
Citizen Username: Ajc
Post Number: 3543 Registered: 9-2001

| Posted on Thursday, February 24, 2005 - 10:06 pm: |    |
I'm happy to say I don't know of any. I'll tell you this, our local Rotary club in town is always open to help out families dealing with these kinds of issues. |
Citizen Username: Bmalibashksa
Post Number: 1485 Registered: 7-2003
| Posted on Thursday, February 24, 2005 - 10:39 pm: |    |
I asked Jesse to cater a party for me for about 20 people. Very casual, I’ll pick up the trays and provide the plates, stirno, racks, etc. He said he couldn’t really help out but I was free to buy 20 dinners at full price and he could package it so it looked like a catered event. I asked him if I could do any substitutions or add some type of appetizers. He explained to me that his accountant advised him that he really wasn’t covering his costs when he did larger dinners, so that wasn’t an option anymore. I was looking for something in the $30 pp range. I guess either his accountant has changed his mind, or the menu will be seriously lacking.